On 7th April 2016, Just Cos’ Catering catered for Tottenham Hotspurs’ Harry Kane and his crew at a Film Shoot in London filming a TV Ad. I’m afraid we cannot disclose details of the Ad yet but here is a picture of our Priscilla with Harry along with a few pictures of the spread for the day.
Academy Films Catering London
Academy Films Catering London
<img src=”http://www.justcoscatering.com/wp-content/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-06-08-at-11.01.48-e1465380262476.png” >
Harry Kane & Priscilla
A Review from the film company Academy Films
“Vicky, Thanks for everything, the food was amazing!!!, and the crew and everyone had good things to say.”
On the Menu was:
- Thai lamb curry served with Jasmine rice
- Grilled red snapper with Asian-style vegetables and coconut rice
- Thai vegetable curry also served with Jasmine Rice
- Spring tossed green Thai salad with fresh mango, sesame seeds and honey dressing
- Our Luxury Desserts